Monday, November 28, 2011

Colleges defend humanities amid tight budgets (AP)

HARTFORD, Conn. ? Like many humanities advocates, Abbey Drane was disheartened but not surprised when Florida's governor recently said its tax dollars should bolster science and high-tech studies, not "educate more people who can't get jobs in anthropology."

Drane, a 21-year-old anthropology major at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, has spent years defending her choice to pursue that liberal arts field.

And now, as states tighten their allocations to public universities, many administrators say they're feeling pressure to defend the worth of humanities, too, and shield the genre from budget cuts. One university president has gone as far as donating $100,000 of her own money to offer humanities scholarships at her school.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott's comments last month cut to the heart of the quandary: whether emphasizing science, math and medical fields gives students the best career prospects and a high-tech payback to society, and whether humanities fields are viewed as more of an indulgence than a necessity amid tight budget times.

"You can definitely feel the emphasis on campus, even just based on where the newest buildings go, that there is a drive toward the sciences, engineering and (the) business school," said Drane, a senior from Plymouth, Mass. "I'm constantly asked what job opportunities I'll have in anthropology or what I'm going to do with my degree, and I tell people that it's giving me a skill set and critical thinking you can apply to anything."

Humanities studies peaked in U.S. colleges in the 1960s and started dwindling in the 1970s as more students pursued business and technology and related fields. Today, more than 20 percent of each year's bachelor's degrees are granted in business; in humanities, it's about 8 percent.

Liberal arts colleges, too, have declined. A study published in 2009 by Inside Higher Ed said that of 212 liberal arts colleges identified in 1990, only 137 were still operating by 2009.

At Amherst College in western Massachusetts, a healthy endowment makes closing the doors a remote possibility at best. But its president, Carolyn "Biddy" Martin, experienced the same concerns about the humanities in her previous job as chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was tapped this year to serve on a commission for the American Academy of Arts & Sciences to review the issue.

Martin said many universities struggle with declining enrollment in those fields, making the classes an easy budget target if their worth is not defended.

"There are more and more people in higher education ? and I hope political leaders ? who are understanding that an over-leaning emphasis on the sciences to the expense of the humanities is not a good thing for the country," she said.

Therein lays the debate for many, though, including Gov. Scott in Florida, who is unapologetic about his push to direct tax dollars toward rapidly growing science, technology, engineering and math fields, known collectively as STEM.

And since state governments control nearly two-thirds of all higher education funding, according to the National Governors Association, their embrace or disregard for humanities can affect the study paths of hundreds of thousands of students.

The governors' organization published recommendations for states this year on how to align their higher education priorities with their labor markets and economic development, citing Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington for "bold, comprehensive strategies" in those efforts.

It did not advise state governments to move money from humanities, but said it's "often challenging" to get the universities to participate in economic development, partly because of "their emphasis on broad liberal arts education."

Advocates say STEM fields also provide tangible returns for states, universities and businesses through patent royalties, new products and the prestige of achieving scientific breakthroughs ? paybacks far less evident among, say, new intellectual insights by scholars of Geoffrey Chaucer's literature, devotees of Frederic Chopin's nocturnes or adherents to Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialist views.

"People feel like there are no real careers open for people studying in the liberal arts and I don't think that's true at all," said John Beck, 20, a senior from Newton, Mass., who's majoring in philosophy at the University of Connecticut.

His father and two grandparents are doctors, and his mother and brother are both pharmaceutical scientists. He is double majoring in economics and plans to attend law school, a decision that eased his parents' concerns about his philosophy studies because they see a legal career as a tangible way to support himself.

He sees it as a good use of his philosophy degree, too, though he says he would have been perfectly content to pursue teaching, public service or other fields to which many other philosophy majors gravitate.

To Susan Herbst, students shouldn't have to choose between picking a field they love and one that offers them the best shot at a job. She believes humanities does both, and feels so strongly about it that she and her husband donated $100,000 this year to provide scholarships limited to students in those fields.

"The humanities are where people learn about ethics and values and critical thinking," said Herbst, the president of the University of Connecticut. "The truth is that for all of these students going into the STEM fields or other social sciences or business, if they didn't have the humanities, they don't know why they're doing what they do. The humanities really teach us how we're supposed to live and why what we do matters."


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Sunday, November 27, 2011



RP Theme



This is just a light glimpse of the school. There are a couple more buildings and such.

How did this all begin??Oh, Right, a recent advertising campaign.








Here At Gokugakku...This:


Becomes This!:


Gokugakku is a school that has been around for hundreds of years. Its methods have shaped many, in political, entertainment, economical, and other areas of business through intense disciplinary practices and a challenging environment. Our vast programs will test the young people mentally and physically, as well as in a much deeper spiritual sense, so they may grow into fine, strong adults with a boundless path before them.

If you wish for a teen close to you to truly succeed, Gokugakku is the supreme school above all others. We mold girls into beautiful women, and boys into real, strong men. Don't fall for the claims others make about our methods being useless and wrong: They're just jealous of the ratio of graduates. ADVANCED graduates. for us, that's our entire student body combined!

~ The Headmaster




Everything they said was true. They only didn't mention the fact Gokugakku is a school known for its feared 'Unique Tactics,' special lessons and punishments made to discipline students harshly, with punishments such as the Broken Limbs Battle, Where your fingers and legs are broken, and you must fight your teacher, who is perfectly healthy, and armed with a weapon. Or something even worse, like the Poison Hide N' Go Seek: Where you only have three hours to find the antidote to an injected poison on school grounds by any means, including going up against your classmates, teachers, etc only to be hurt worse, or get another specialty entirely for breaking rules!

And that's just the first week.

Think you can do better than that?

I don't think so.

But there IS a slim chance you may just live through this. And if you do, you'll probably owe it to your friends: for you see, here at Gokugakku, bonds are formed through hardship. Namely the sharing of that hardship with others, in order to keep on going no matter what. viewpoints shall change. Love may even be found. Boys and Girls will be gone, with Men and Women Rising in their place.

This is the place where you've buried your dreams and ambition: and you've got to dig deep to find them!

Welcome to The School From Hell!







The School:

Gokugakku is situated on the outskirts of town. On some hills are a giant staircase to the school campus and built on a small mountain not far from civilization is the campus itself.

There are at least three most important buildings. The Main school building which houses offices and storage, Boys' Dorm (Dorm of Fists and Rage), and Girls' Dorm (Dorm of Heart and Mind), as well as two learning buildings for physical and non-physical lessons. They are all arranged in the shape of a star.

Meals are served in an area of the non-physical class building. Boys usually get worse food than the girls, who are treated much better in certain places, also including locker rooms and uniforms.

Far off into the forest is a Co-Ed 'Prison' that REALLY punishes students, sort of like detention. On steroids. there is also an abandoned temple that is sometimes visited by monks who sell charms. Here, Students can pray for good grades, strength, etc.

Ranking System:

First Year Students: Slaves (Girls have been nicknamed 'Sex Slaves' by the boys)

Second Years: Kaijin (Monsters) and Succubi

Third Years: Asura (Violent Deity) and Love Goddesses

Fun Facts:

- There are methods of the boys being about to sneak out of their dorm to see the girls and vice versa.
- You are not allowed to leave school grounds unless permission is granted (rarely) or its a class trip. You can find a way to sneak out for a night on the town before you're caught?By the teachers, guard dogs, and/or electrocuted by the fence.
- In the past, girls have been excused from only physical classes due to having given birth ala teen pregnancy.
- "RUCIFA NO GOKUGAKKU DE ARRUUUU!!!" is the signature catchphrase repeated by Principal Rucifa meaning 'I AM RUFICA, THE PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL FROM HELL!!"

Meetings and special events take place in the center of the Campus. The second year upperclassmen sometimes appear to 'help' the first years learn, or just show them who's boss, and have their own co-ed dorm far off where they get to party more often. The Third years are mysterious, unknown, and incredibly dangerous?they only show themselves in important times.

Classes (2-4 most likely to last longest and have most torture.)

1. General Studies
2. Spiritual Practice (Meditation, etc)
3. Gym
4. Lunch
5. Budo (Kendo, Judo, Karate, etc. Martial Arts training.)

The School's top sports are participated by all during Gym, after the school day, etc:

1. Satsujin No Ragubii (Murder Rugby): The original game of Rugby, but with less rules.

2. Baskettoburor (Basketball, or 'Basket-Brawl): Similar to Murder Rugby, but more basketball oriented

3. Martial Arts


4. Swimming


Girls: a classic 'Serafuku' Style. They also get a special gym and swimming uniform as well as two choices of formal outfits for school festivals and such. This is because they're treated better, and it makes them look hotter.

Regular Uniform: ... 1291692374

Gym: ... 42x300.jpg

Swimming: ... 389vnz.png

Formal 1 (Knee High Skirt Kimono): ... noGirl.jpg

Formal 2: ... _Dress.jpg

Boys: A Classic Gakuran/German Military style. The coats are long, pants baggy, and the cloth goes past the leather belts they wear around their waist, with pointy tipped shoes. the rest can be customized. Only the strongest can wear their coats openly without a shirt under. All boys must also wear bandages around the stomach called 'Sarashi.'

This is the only uniform they get, as opposed to the girls. For Gym, they simply remove the coat. Should they ever swim, they may use a pair of swim trunks of their choice.

Closed Coat: ... rtada1.jpg

Open Coat:


There is no set need for characters, so we can take plenty of students. But I'll need some teachers for now to keep the peace.

When you play them, provide a first name in the sheet yourself.

0) Headmaster Rucifa (Me)

1) Mr. Spike, Revolver equipped Teacher of Gym and General Studies, and Boys' Director

2) Ms. Thorne, Whip Cracking Teacher of Gym and General Studies and Girls' Director (Aixulram)

3) Mr. Gouryu, Martial Arts Master and Teacher Of Spiritual Practice and Budo Classes -Optional-

4) Ms. Oniama, Teacher Of Spiritual Practice, and Budo Classes -Optional-


Character Sheet Requirements:

Fighting Style (If any. includes but is not limited to: Kendo, Karate, Boxing, Freestyle, etc)
Special Moves (If Any. Can use Ki based techniques for supernatural effects including, but not limited to: Fire, ranged attack without firearms, etc.)
Items (If any)
Weapons (If Any)


Fun Facts
Theme Song


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