Thursday, December 6, 2012

NASA's next Mars rover to launch in 2020

The stunning success of the Curiosity Mars rover has emboldened NASA to have another go. The US space agency announced plans yesterday to send a new robotic explorer to the Red Planet in 2020.

This rover will have the same chassis as Curiosity and a duplicate sky crane will lower it to the surface. The 2020 rover will even use spare parts left over from the Curiosity mission, such as a nuclear power supply.

Reusing plans and parts is a smart move since NASA can be confident it doesn't have to iron out design kinks, and it will save on costs, says John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the science mission directorate at NASA.

The rover is expected to cost $1.5 billion ? $1 billion less than Curiosity's price tag.

Rock collector

News of the new rover came hard on the heels of a somewhat mixed announcement from the Curiosity mission, revealed on 3 December at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco. An interview on public radio with chief scientist John Grotzinger led to frantic speculation that the rover had already found definitive evidence for organics, carbon-containing compounds that are the building blocks of life.

Mission scientists revealed that the rover had baked Mars soil and detected organic molecules inside its ovens, but they couldn't confirm whether the carbon was Martian or merely an Earthly contaminant.

"The Earth-shaking news from Curiosity is that it all works," Grunsfeld said at an AGU press conference on 4 December. "It's amazing that we were able to send such a craft to Mars and the seven minutes of terror [descending through the Martian atmosphere] resulted in a soft landing."

Eventually, NASA is aiming to bring back pristine samples of Martian rock for thorough analysis on Earth. With that in mind, the 2020 rover may test the technologies for sample return, including handling and storing rock on board.

"Including caching would make the rover responsive to the National Academy Decadal Survey," says Scott Hubbard of Stanford University in California, referring to priorities outlined by the US National Academy of Sciences for the next decade of planetary exploration.

The new rover might also have a 3D camera with a zoom lens that was meant to fly on Curiosity. The camera, built in collaboration with film-maker James Cameron, did not make it on board for the 6 August launch because of technical difficulties.

"I was a big fan of the 3D [camera] and the zoom lens," Grunsfeld said yesterday at a press briefing. "I'm more than happy to engage in a spirited discussion for this next rover to include those elements."

Head start

In a slight reversal of plans, NASA also announced at the AGU that it will use some of its 2013 budget to support the European Space Agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission, due for launch in 2016. NASA will provide the communications system that will let the orbiter talk to Earth and to instruments on the surface of Mars. The agency will also help build the Mars organic molecule analyser (MOMA), the largest instrument scheduled to fly on ESA's ExoMars rover in 2018, Grunsfeld said.

He emphasised that NASA is not asking for more money for the 2020 rover mission, but is merely specifying how the money already requested will be spent.

"We have the backing and the approval of the administration to move forward with this plan," NASA's director of planetary science, James Green, told New Scientist. Other NASA projects waiting for approval need not fear being short-changed, said Grunsfeld. "It doesn't raid other parts of planetary or science [missions]."

For now, NASA's 2013 budget is being debated by Congress. But in making yesterday's announcement, NASA hopes to get a head-start on the new rover mission.

"Even though 2020 may seem like a long way off, it's really not a lot of time to get ready, so we kind of had to start," Grunsfeld told New Scientist. "Being able to put together a science definition team and having things roll six months sooner than later could actually make a difference in the ability to mount such a mission."

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Robotic equivalent of a Swiss army knife: Reconfigurable robot a step toward something that can become almost anything

ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2012) ? The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer. But the technology behind it, and the long-range possibilities it represents, are quite remarkable.

The little device is called a milli-motein -- a name melding its millimeter-sized components and a motorized design inspired by proteins, which naturally fold themselves into incredibly complex shapes. This minuscule robot may be a harbinger of future devices that could fold themselves up into almost any shape imaginable.

The device was conceived by Neil Gershenfeld, head of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms, visiting scientist Ara Knaian and graduate student Kenneth Cheung, and is described in a paper presented recently at the 2012 Intelligent Robots and Systems conference. Its key feature, Gershenfeld says: "It's effectively a one-dimensional robot that can be made in a continuous strip, without conventionally moving parts, and then folded into arbitrary shapes."

To build the world's smallest chain robot, the team had to invent an entirely new kind of motor: not only small and strong, but also able to hold its position firmly even with power switched off. The researchers met these needs with a new system called an electropermanent motor.

The motor is similar in principle to the giant electromagnets used in scrapyards to lift cars, in which a powerful permanent magnet (one that, like an ordinary bar magnet, requires no power) is paired with a weaker magnet (one whose magnetic field direction can be flipped by an electric current in a coil). The two magnets are designed so that their fields either add or cancel, depending on which way the switchable field points. Thus, the force of the powerful magnet can be turned off at will -- such as to release a suspended car -- without having to power an enormous electromagnet the whole time.

In this new miniature version, a series of permanent magnets paired with electromagnets are arranged in a circle; they drive a steel ring that's situated around them. The key innovation, Knaian explains, is that "they do not take power in either the on or the off state, but only use power in the changing state," using minimal energy overall.

The milli-motein concept follows up on a paper, published last year, which examined the theoretical possibility of assembling any desired 3-D shape simply by folding a long string of identical subunits. That paper, co-authored by Cheung, MIT professor Erik Demaine, alumnus Saul Griffith, and former Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory research scientist Jonathan Bachrach, proved mathematically that it was possible for any 3-D shape to be reproduced by folding a sufficiently long string -- and that it's possible to figure out how to fold such a string, and the exact steps needed to successfully reach the desired endpoint.

"We showed that you could make such a universal system that's very simple," Cheung says. While he and his colleagues have not yet proved a way of always finding the optimal path to a given folded shape, they did find several useful strategies for arriving at practical folding sequences.

Demaine points out that the folding of the shape doesn't have to be sequential, moving along the string one joint at a time. "Ideally, you'd like to do it all at once," he says, with each of the joints folding themselves to the desired configuration simultaneously so that the loads are distributed.

Other researchers, including some at MIT, have explored the idea of fashioning reconfigurable robots from a batch of separate pieces that could self-assemble into different configurations -- an approach sometimes called "programmable pebbles." But Gershenfeld's team found that a string of subunits capable of folding itself into any shape could be simpler in terms of control, power and communications than using separate pieces that must find each other and assemble in the right order. "You can just pass signals down the chain," Knaian says.

It's part of an overall approach, Gershenfeld explains, to "turning data into things." In an article in the current issue of the magazine Foreign Affairs, he describes a technology roadmap for accomplishing that, and its policy implications. He and his colleagues have established a global network of more than 100 "fab labs" that provide community access to computer-controlled fabrication tools. Today, the design information is contained in an external computer rather than in the materials being manufactured, but the research goal is to digitize the materials themselves so that they can ultimately change their own shape, as the milli-motein does.

Hod Lipson, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and computing and information science at Cornell University, says, "This result brings us closer to the idea of programmable matter -- where computer programs and materials merge to form a new kind of matter whose shape and function can be programmed -- not unlike biology. Many people are excited today to learn about 3-D printing and its ability to fabricate any shape; Gershenfeld's group is already thinking about the next episode, where we don't just control the shape of objects, but also their behavior."

The milli-motein is part of a family of such devices being explored at size scales ranging from protein-based "nanoassemblers" to a version where the chain is as big as a person, Gershenfeld says. Ultimately, a reconfigurable robot should be "small, cheap, durable and strong," Knaian says, adding that right now, "it's not possible to get all of those." Still, he points out, "Biology is the existence proof that it is possible."

The MIT researchers' work could lead to robotic systems that can be dynamically reconfigured to do many different jobs rather than repeating a fixed function, and that can be produced much more cheaply than conventional robotics.

The development of the milli-motein was supported by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Maximum Mobility and Manipulation and Programmable Matter projects.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The original article was written by David L. Chandler.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

With 6.5M Members, AppTrailers Adds A Free Daily App

AppTrailers-Free Today ExampleAppTrailers, an app that rewards users for watching videos that promote other apps,?just released an update with a new "Free Today" section. The section will highlight one app per day ? either a paid app being offered for free or a freemium app with normally a paid virtual that's being provided for free.


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Hundreds Of Small Businesses Are Fighting ... - Business Insider

The issue of urban development is never easy. Incorporating old communities into new ones is always fraught with controversy, especially in New York City.

The area of Willets Point in Queens has long been a target for re-development.

In December of 2011, Mayor Bloomberg finally broke ground on a plan to create a shopping mall, convention center, hotel and affordable housing in the area. Though the plan has run into various legal obstacles since then, businesses in the area have begun receiving letters ordering them to vacate their property by February of 2013.

While the city says will the plan will create hundreds of new jobs and spur economic growth in the area, for many who work and own businesses there, the mayor's plan is simply a recipe for their demise.

Watch the video below to see why.


Produced by Robert Libetti

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Residents Of NYC's Devastated Rockaways Are Still In A State Of Disbelief

Veterans Wish They Got This Kind Of Respect Every Day


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Church 2063: Sexuality |

In 1963, homosexuality was the punchline to a joke that you didn't want your mother to know you knew. Today, it's a a common lifestyle. When kids wanted to rebel, they would drink or smoke. Maybe they'd have premarital sex. Today, those are common choices although tobacco is giving way to marijuana and many states are even legalizing it.

Fifty years ago, miniskirts were about to come into fashion. The late sixties saw growth in fashion trends that showed more and more skin. They couldn't have imagined more conservative trends would return, but eventually college coeds would eventually go to spring break wearing thongs on their rear ends.

Now, several states are dealing with the implications of gender equality on clothing laws. If men aren't required to wear clothing that covers their chests, why should women be required to do so? New York already said that toplessness is permissible for both women and men, even though culture is slow to make the shift. In the election in November 2012, San Francisco voters narrowly voted to make indecent exposure illegal.

I don't think public nudity will be legal in all parts of the US in ten years. I do think that the people of 2063 will view our emphasis on covering certain body parts as prudish.

I'm not saying they'll be right, but that's the view. If you want to know how people will feel, think about your feeling around Muslim women who wear head scarves or more. It could be that Christian young women who chastely wear thong, string bikinis will be laughed at by their nude friends on the beach. It's funny to think of a thong as a modest body covering, but the tankini would have seemed radical fifty years ago, but is the bathing suit of choice among many Christian girls today who see the one-piece as too prudish, but the thong as too revealing.

Nudity won't be the only thing that we see more of in the next fifty years. I've mentioned trio and multiple marriages, but I think that we'll see dating relationships that are precursors to these marriages.

Looking for a wedding ring might not tell you if someone is done looking or not. A married woman might be looking for a wife to go with her husband or a second husband. Maybe some people will prefer dating married people. They'll reason that a husband has already made a commitment and since multiple marriages will be legal, he might be looking for another spouse.

It's possible that as spouses get used to their relationship, they'll think they can add spice by adding another person to the relationship. A husband who's lost interest in sex might encourage his wife to let him be the provider, but get a new husband to fulfill her sexual needs.

Instead of dealing with problems, people might think it's natural to add others. This reminds me of when I worked in tech support and installers would call up and just want to add more and more equipment to an installation to fix a problem, but instead they just complicated the problem. Relationships will be the same way. People will try to fix simple problems by making things more complicated.

Just as grocery stores now have contraceptives, they'll start carrying more sexually themed devices. While people used to have to go to certain areas of town or order online for these items, you'll see them next to the condoms in the pharmacy.

The sexual revolution of the 60s was stunted by the AIDS outbreak of the 80s. As medicine develops more and more remedies for AIDS and other diseases, a new free-love movement could surface again.

Labels like homosexual and heterosexual might seem antiquated as people choose sexual partners based on momentary preference and not lifestyle.

Just as we now sometimes hear people say, "I'm not gay, but I did experiment in college," we might hear people say "I sleep with whoever I want. It all works for me."

Believe it or not, this way of thinking is actually rather old. A friend of mine in seminary arrived with a masters degree in classical studies. He told me that ancient Greeks didn't think of themselves as homosexual, but that there was nothing wrong with any form of sexual expression they could think of. It wasn't unusual for older men to have a young male lover for a time before getting married to a woman to start a family.

The difference is that women are now equals, so we can probably imagine that some women might experiment with lesbianism before marrying a man for family reasons. Some women will be life-long lesbians, but moving back and forth between sexual lifestyles and practices won't be seen as unusual.

This also means that transexuals and transvestites might be quite common as people struggle to find their identities. Maybe a man will get breast implants and live as a transexual for a time before going back to life as a straight man and then dabbling in homosexual practices.

As science expands, its possible that gay and lesbian couples will no longer need a third party to have children. Perhaps lesbians will be able to harvest eggs from one partner and science will harvest the DNA and make synthetic sperm that can impregnate the other partner.

It's a more difficult problem to enable men to carry a baby to term, so perhaps an artificial uterus will be invented. In a similar procedure, a male's sperm can become an egg and the partner's sperm will enable a gay couple to have their own genetic offspring.

The artificial uterus might mean that straight couples choose not to carry their own babies. Many women would now prefer not to have some of the changes that their bodies undergo as a part of pregnancy. This will mean that some women will have children that are genetically theirs, but who weren't gestated in a human womb. If the artificial uterus is invented, it might start as a way to help women who've had hysterectomies or who are unable to carry a baby to term, but these other uses will follow soon.

A possible unintended consequence of early babies born this way might be a lack of bonding as infants are strangers to their parents' voices and heart beats. This might be easy to overcome, but at risk infants might need extra care.

For churches, the changes in sex and family will be frightening. The challenge will be to bring people with new family and sexual patterns into the church so that they don't dismiss God immediately as judging. I'll probably be dead when these things come to fruition, but it won't be easy to love people who don't think non-traditional relationships are wrong. It will be hard to balance grace and truth, but just as the early church welcomed former temple prostitutes and others who had more difficult sexual pasts, so the mid-twenty-first century must learn to love people despite whatever their past.



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Elon Musk Wants to Build 80,000-Person Mars Colony

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Elon Musk Wants to Build 80,000-Person Mars Colony
Elon Musk doesn't just want to put a person on Mars -- he wants to put 80,000. According to, the billionaire founder and CEO of the private spaceflight company SpaceX recently spilled details about his hopes for a future Mars colony during a talk at the Royal Aeronautical Society in London on Nov. 16.

Source: Wired
Posted on: Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012, 10:21am
Views: 8


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Online Reputation Management Solutions Will Help Your Business ...

More and more people and companies have come to realize that protecting their reputation and brand online is a must if they want to keep their heads above water in this harsh economy. As a matter of fact, social media, online marketing and social commerce have created an environment where it is hard for today?s companies to thrive. More than ever, the burden placed on marketing departments is increasing exponentially. This burden refers to managing their brand?s image.

Online reputation management is a fairly new field of management that sprang up over the last few years due to the increasing need of a positive brand image among customers. Today, customers are those who dictate where the market goes, and which company out there is the best.

Because of the expansion of social networks, viral marketing has become extremely important for companies who want to be two steps ahead of their competitors. This means both small and large businesses that are oblivious to the tremendous amount of influence customers have today, will be certainly taken aback. This is why every business owner who realized the importance of his company?s brand image appeals to online reputation management services.

Reputation Champ is an online reputation management company dedicated to help both individuals and businesses enhance their reputation online. Unlike the radio, newspaper or television, the Internet won?t forget that. This is why it is imperative for companies and individuals to take control of their online reputation. Reputation Champ offers several services including reputation repair, reputation management, reputation building, search engine optimization, negative content removal and social media monitoring.

Their newest service, called Reputation Monitor, is offered for free for the first month. This service that can be tried by anybody who wants to enhance his reputation. Reputation Monitor searches all the photo, video and social networks websites, finding the negative comments regarding a subject or a company. This tool also searches hundreds of blogs, forums and news websites that are visited by millions of people from all over the world.

In addition, customers will be able to repair their online image with online reputation repair services. This service comes with a 90 days money back guarantee.

To learn more about the services offered by Reputation Champ and to take advantage of the free 30 day trial of their reputation monitoring, please visit their website and take advantage of the free consultation.


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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:48 AM


    TakTik, I have found your family ! ;)/>/>

    HERE !



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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:42 PM

    Renoise is amazing!!

    I woke up with my mind on the floor...


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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 01:47 PM

    View PostBreemiX, on 22 November 2012 - 09:48 AM, said:


    TakTik, I have found your family ! ;)/>/>/>

    HERE !


    really cool... but, like, shouldn't have skipped noisetrekker 3!


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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 02:29 PM

    It is still crediting Zvonko Tesic. I don't know what he is currently up to nowadays but i guess Renoise Dev-team would be a more future proof credit listing...


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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 05:43 PM

    Yeah it also doesn't have latest renoises


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    Posted 22 November 2012 - 11:33 PM

    Is there a article related to this picture?


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    Posted Yesterday, 10:46 AM

    View PostRakib, on 22 November 2012 - 11:33 PM, said:

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    Pakistan cuts phones in hope of stopping attacks on Shi'ites

    ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan is suspending phone coverage in many cities this weekend, an important one in the Shi'ite Muslim calendar, after a series of bomb attacks on Shi'ites triggered by mobile phones.

    Hardline Sunnis have threatened more attacks as the Shi'ite mourning month of Muharram comes to a climax. More than a dozen people have already been killed this week attending Muharram processions.

    "All the blasts that occurred in the last 15 days were mobile phone-based," Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters on Friday.

    A suicide bomber killed himself and wounded two police officers near a Shi'ite procession in the northwestern city of Lakki Marwat on Friday.

    Intelligence information indicates more attacks have been planned for the coming days in the capital city of Islamabad, Karachi and Quetta. Mobile phone service will be suspended for hours in the three cities and dozens of others over the weekend.

    In Karachi, more than 5,000 police are expected to patrol the streets during Muharram events over the next two days, with hundreds more on alert.

    "The army is on standby. If any untoward incident occurs, we will call them, if need be," Malik said.

    Muharram marks the anniversary of the Battle of Karbala, where the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad and his family members were killed.

    Pakistani intelligence officials say extremist groups led by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have intensified their bombings and shootings of Shi'ites in the hope of triggering conflict that would pave the way for a Sunni theocracy in U.S.-allied Pakistan.

    (Reporting by Aisha Chowdhry and Mehreen Zahra-Malik; Writing by Randy Fabi; Editing by Andrew Roche)


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    International Ombudsman Institute: 10th World Conference ? new by ...

    20 November 2012? The IOI held a very successful World Conference in Wellington, New Zealand from 12 to 16 November 2012.

    As a forum for Ombudsman Institutions, the IOI World Conference once again enabled colleagues from around the world to meet and to share their experience and expertise; an opportunity particularly important in times of change and political, social, economic and technological challenges.

    The 10th IOI World Conference paved the way for further strengthening the IOI as the leading organization within the international Ombudsman community. In its attempt to become more inclusive and to achieve greater openness towards Ombudsman institutions and their equivalent around the world, the IOI initiated a reform process and reviewed and revised its existing by-laws with the aim of establishing revised membership criteria and declare what the Institute stands for, i.e. include an International Ombudsman Standard in its by-laws.

    In a transparent process involving the whole membership and carefully considering suggested amendments and ideas put forward, the IOI Board of Directors put forward a draft document of new by-laws to the General Assembly on 13 November 2012 for vote. These new by-laws were approved by the General Assembly with the overwhelming majority of 96,3% in favor.

    The IOI Board of Directors is convinced that this new set of by-laws will govern the IOI's operations in a changed and changing world and would like to - once again - express its gratefulness for the support and assistance from the whole membership during this very important reform process.

    Making the government accountable

    Keeping governments transparent and accountable was the main message of a series of meetings held last week in Wellington, New Zealand.

    More than 250 - Ombudsmen and Ombudswomen, deputies and complaint-handling investigators from around the world attended the 10th International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) Conference under the theme: Speaking Truth to Power - The Ombudsman in the 21st Century.

    Tonga was represented by the Acting Commissioner for Public Relations, Mr Sateki ?Ahio, and Senior Investigator Pilimisolo Tamo'ua. The Acting Commissioner has a similar investigative role to an ombudsman; taking complaints from members of the public about the actions of government and officials.

    Tonga also participated in the annual members' meeting of the Pacific Ombudsman Alliance (POA). The intent of POA is to provide a service delivery and mutual support organisation for Ombudsman and allied institutions of countries that are members of the Pacific Islands Forum.

    The POA supports activities that assist its members to improve public administration in their countries. The members approved several new activities at the meeting, including a proposal for the Acting Commissioner and members of his staff to spend time in 2013 working with, and learning from, the Office of the New Zealand Ombudsman.

    The meeting also offered pre-conference workshops on "Sharpening Your Teeth" - principles of effective investigations -? and "Managing Unreasonable Complainant Conduct" - identifying and managing difficult people.

    Mr ?Ahio said: "I found the week of meetings and discussion very useful for me to learn how to be most effective in my new role. It has also shown that the proposed legislative amendments, to create an Ombudsman in Tonga, will be an important step in improving public administration and government accountability." Mr ?Ahio also thanked POA for funding his attendance at these meetings, and it's commitment for continuing assistance.

    The Rt Hon Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999-2008, was the first of a number of high profile and distinguished speakers who were present to offer their support for the Ombudsman offices - seeing it as a vital way forward in combating corruption and calling government administrations to account.

    The work of the Ombudsman as an integrity and accountability oversight body is very important and vital to every government.

    "Lack of integrity and accountability can be corrosive to the governance and resources of the whole country," The Rt Hon. Clark warned.

    "Building inclusive and responsive government is essential for human development, empowerment and justice with dignity," said Clark, who is now the Administrator of the UN Development Program.

    The IOI conference also coincide the 50th anniversary of the NZ Ombudsman, the first English-speaking nation to adopt the concept outside the Scandinavian countries.

    Former NZ Ombudsman and former Governor-General of New Zealand Anand Satyanand was also a speaker and so as former NZ Ombudsman Sir Brian Elwood, former NZ Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer.


    Issued by the: Office of the Public Relations Commission, Nuku'allofa, 2012 16 November 2012.


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    12 Holiday Gifts That Give Back

    1. Blanket America

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    Click here to view this gallery.

    [More from Mashable: Amazon Cyber Monday Deals Begin Sunday]

    Supporting important causes can be easy to forget amid the hustle and bustle of shopping during the holiday season. Luckily, there's an easy way to give back to those in need while you find the gifts you need -- various companies and websites do the legwork for you.

    SEE ALSO: Get Out the Give on #GivingTuesday

    [More from Mashable: 10 Completely Useless Websites We Found in 2012]

    Companies like TOMS and Warby Parker have become known for one-for-one deals -- donating a pair of shoes or eyeglasses for every pair sold -- but they're not the only ones with gifts that give back. There are several places around the web that benefit others in many ways, whether it's by supporting impoverished artisans, providing clothes to babies who need them or curating the many products that make a difference.

    We've compiled a list of 12 websites that can help you make socially conscious purchases without subtracting the joy of shopping. Where do you go to buy gifts for social good? Let us know in the comments.

    Thumbnail image courtesy of Instagram, Red Earth Trading Co.

    This story originally published on Mashable here.


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    Thursday, November 22, 2012

    Identity Politics in 1960

    U.S. Democratic nominee, Sen. John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline U.S. Democratic nominee, Sen. John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline

    Photo by AFP/Getty Images.

    The following is the second of three articles adapted from David Nasaw?s The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy, out now from the Penguin Press.

    The only way to put to rest Democratic Party leaders? fears that Protestants would not vote for a Catholic was for Jack Kennedy to prove the opposite by doing well in the primaries. The ?rst major primary was in Wisconsin, where Catholics were in a sizable minority at about 30 percent. ?That is going to be a real tough ?ght?but we should win,? Joseph Kennedy wrote his Vatican-insider friend Enrico Galeazzi. ?Then he goes from there to West Virginia where the Catholics total around three or four percent. They may use the religious issue there and it may be very, very tough.?

    In the midst of campaigning in West Virginia, Sen. Kennedy returned to Washington to deliver a major speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, in yet another attempt to counter the anti-Catholic literature, speeches, whispers, and rumors that he feared were pushing every other issue to the side. He was not, he declared as emphatically as he could, ?the Catholic candidate for President. I do not speak for the Catholic Church on issues of public policy, and no one in that Church speaks for me. My record ... has displeased some prominent Catholic clergymen and organizations and it has been approved by others. The fact is that the Catholic Church is not a monolith?it is committed in this country to the principles of individual liberty.? He was even more emphatic back on the campaign trail in West Virginia. In his ?nal television speech, he repeated again that as president he ?would not take orders from any Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or priest, nor would they try to give me orders. ... If any Pope attempted to in?uence me as President, I would have to tell him it was completely improper.?

    On May 10, 1960, Jack Kennedy won the West Virginia primary with 61 percent of the vote, which should have, but did not, put to rest the question of whether Protestants would vote for a Catholic. A week later, he won the Maryland primary with 70 percent, his ninth consecutive primary victory. The New York Times reported the Maryland primary victory on the front page. Just below, it ran a second front-page story with a Rome dateline: ?Vatican Paper Proclaims Right of Church to Role in Politics.? The of?cial Vatican newspaper had declared in an editorial that ?the Roman Catholic hierarchy had ?the right and the duty to intervene? in the political ?eld to guide its ?ock. It rejected what it termed ?the absurd split of conscience between the believer and the citizen.? ... The Roman Catholic religion, the editorial asserted, is a force that ?commits and guides the entire existence of man.? The Catholic, it went on, ?may never disregard the teaching and directions of the church but must inspire his private and public conduct in every sphere of his activity by the laws, instructions and teachings of the hierarchy.? ?

    The timing, placement, language, and emphasis of the Vatican paper editorial called into question everything Jack Kennedy had been saying about his religion. Pierre Salinger, his press spokesman, responded at once that Sen. Kennedy supported ?the principle of separation of church and state as provided in the United States Constitution [and] that this support is not subject to change under any condition.? His statement was buried on Page 31.

    The following day, May 19, lest there be any confusion, the New York Times con?rmed that the editorial in the Vatican paper had ?been given to the newspaper for publication by the Vatican Secretariat of State, the Department of the Church?s Central Government that assists the Pope in political business,? and that earlier reports that the ?editorialist ... did not have in mind the United States Presidential campaign? were inaccurate.

    Joseph Kennedy was both distressed and baf?ed. His fears that the church was out to defeat his son were now fully con?rmed. ?You must have been aware,? he wrote Galeazzi, ?of how terribly shocked we were by that editorial in L?Osservatore Romano on the separation of church and state. ... It was a bad shaking up and it did not do us a bit of good. I cannot understand why my two friends, Tardini [the Vatican secretary of state] and the other man [another papal adviser on foreign affairs] could ever have let anything like that come to America when it could create so much difficulty over something that has already been established as a fact here in the country, namely, the separation of church and state.?

    The Vatican pronouncement, fortunately, did not do the immediate harm that Kennedy had feared it might. Though featured in the New York Times, the story was buried elsewhere by the news that Sen. Kennedy had won the Maryland primary. For his father, it was an omen.

    ?I came home,? Kennedy wrote in a letter on Sept. 9, ?to ?nd the campaign not between a Democrat and a Republican, but between a Catholic and a Protestant. How effectively we can work against it, I do not know. Jack gave it a bad licking in West Virginia and we are con?dent that we can lick it now. But with the Baptist ministers working in the pulpit every Sunday, it is going to be tough. All I can say is that they have a hell of a nerve to be talking about freedom for the world when we have this kind of a condition right here in our own country. It seems to me that it is more important than ever to ?ght this thing with everything we have. And that is what we are going to do.?

    On Sept. 7, Norman Vincent Peale, whom the New York Times identi?ed as ?an avowed supporter of Vice President Nixon,? announced the organization of the National Conference of Citizens for Religious Freedom, comprising 150 leading clergymen ?more or less representative of the evangelical, conservative Protestants,? including the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham. They were united in their belief that Protestants had ?legitimate grounds for concern about having a Catholic in the White House.?

    Sen. Kennedy was forced to confront head-on the subject he had hoped, after his win in the Democratic primaries, might be laid to rest. He did so by accepting an invitation to speak to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, a gathering of Protestant leaders, many of them evangelicals. He began his address by declaring that while he was going to speak on the ?so-called religious issue,? he believed that there were ?far more critical issues in the 1960 election.? Still, ?because I am a Catholic, and no Catholic has ever been elected President, the real issues ... have been obscured?perhaps deliberately.? He proceeded to say what he had been saying for almost two years: ?I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute. ... I believe in an America that is of?cially neither Catholic, Protestant, nor Jewish ... and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all.? He reminded his audience that no one had asked him or his brother whether they ?might have a ?divided loyalty? ? when they fought?and his brother died?in the Second World War and that at the Battle of the Alamo, ?side by side with Bowie and Crockett died Fuentes and McCafferty and Bailey and Bedillio and Carey?but no one knows whether they were Catholic or not. For there was no religious test there.? Knowing that this might be his best and perhaps last chance to put to rest the religious issue, he arranged to have the speech?and question period?broadcast nationwide.

    Though Jack did brilliantly in Houston, it was almost taken for granted now that he was going to lose Protestant votes that usually went Democratic and would have to compensate by polling a larger than usual big-city Catholic vote. Unfortunately, it appeared as late as six weeks before the election that Catholic voters might not be solidly behind the Democratic candidate. ?City Catholics Split on Election,? the New York Times reported in a Page One headline on Sept. 20, con?rming Joseph Kennedy?s worst nightmares. ?If Jack Kennedy thinks he has the Catholic vote in his back pocket, he?s wrong,? an Irish Catholic party of?cial was quoted as telling the Times reporter. Neither of the two major Catholic papers?the Catholic News, the New York diocesan newspaper, and the Tablet, the Brooklyn diocesan paper??has ever been suspected of favoring either the Democrats or Senator Kennedy.? The Catholic News had put a photograph of Nixon visiting with a group of nuns on its cover but had never so honored Sen. Kennedy.? The Tablet had denounced the Democratic Party platform in an editorial in July and had had nothing positive of any sort to say about Jack Kennedy. When both candidates appeared at the Al Smith dinner at the Waldorf on Oct. 19, 1960, an event organized and presided over by Cardinal Spellman, the Archbishop of New York, Nixon received far greater applause. It was becoming abundantly clear that he was the cardinal?s favored candidate.

    On Oct. 22, two weeks before Election Day, the religious issue, which had been submerged during the debates, was brought to the surface again, this time not by the organized Protestant opposition, but by the Catholic bishops in Puerto Rico, who issued a pastoral leader forbidding Catholics to vote for Gov. Luis Mu?oz Mar?n?s Popular Democratic Party and implying that they should vote for the newly formed Christian Action Party instead. Cardinal Cushing declared immediately that what had occurred in Puerto Rico was an anomaly, that ?ecclesiastical authority here would not attempt to dictate the political voting of citizens.? Cardinal Spellman did not criticize the bishops or their letter, but he remarked that Catholic voters who did not obey the bishops? directive would not be committing a sin.

    ?Senator Kennedy,? presidential adviser Ted Sorensen recalled, ?knew he had been hurt.? His only hope, he told Sorensen, was that American voters would not ?realize that Puerto Rico is American soil.? If they did, he feared, ?this election is lost.?

    ?The Ambassador,? Ken O?Donnell and Dave Powers recalled in their memoir, ?said that he was thinking of joining the Jewish religion. ?The Jews are giving us more help than we?re getting from the Catholics.? ?

    On Nov. 3, two months and two days after its ?rst article on the issue, the New York Times reported in a front-page article, ?Shift to Kennedy by Jews,? that the attacks on the Catholic candidate by Protestant organizations, especially Norman Vincent Peale?s, had produced ?a back?re of sympathy for Mr. Kennedy.? Republicans continued to circulate pamphlets ?attacking former Ambassador Kennedy as a ?notorious appeaser of Hitler,? ? but they were ?not having much effect? on Jewish voters. ?The fear that the elder Kennedy?s views might have ?rubbed off? on Mr. Kennedy was ?slowly being whittled away.? ?

    Sen. Kennedy had succeeded in convincing Jewish voters that he was the type of liberal they wanted in the White House. The shift toward Sen. Kennedy did not mean that they had rejected the charges that Joseph P. Kennedy had been a Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite, but that they refused to hold the sins of the father against the son.

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    SalesGossip Relaunches To Help Save The Fashion High Street

    sales-gossipThe UK fashion startup, SalesGossip, which offers members exclusive access to fashion sales events and promotions, has relaunched today with a much-polished redesign, following on from the cash injection it received last month. Whilst the size of the angel round remained undisclosed, our sources pegged it at around ?300k -- money that was earmarked for exiting Beta and today's official launch.


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    Wednesday, November 21, 2012

    Britain attracted to microgravity

    Britain has indicated it will join the European Space Agency's (Esa) microgravity research programme.

    The roughly 15m euros commitment over four years would give UK investigators access to facilities like sounding rockets, drop towers and even the International Space Station (ISS).

    The announcement was made at Esa's Ministerial Council in Naples.

    Research ministers from across Europe have been meeting to set the organisation's programmes and budgets.

    The UK statement is a small one on the scale of the really big decisions being made at this meeting, but it is a significant step for British microgravity scientists who have been campaigning to get their discipline a higher profile.

    Participation in the European Life and Physical Sciences (Elips) programme is subject to final negotiations, but the UK science minister David Willetts said he had been convinced by the arguments in favour of joining.

    "There are two bits of Elips that we are particularly interested in. One is this issue of ageing and the physiological processes that an astronaut goes through in space that enables people to model and understand ageing. The other is the study of advanced materials," the minister told the BBC.

    Studying systems and processes in the absence of gravity gives scientists a unique perspective. In an Earth laboratory, gravity pulls hard on everything; but if the notions of "up" and "down" can be removed - even for a few seconds - then some unusual things start to happen.

    Gases and liquids that are heated do not rise and sink as they would normally; and suspended particles do not settle out into neat layers of different sizes. By removing the "mask" of gravity, it then becomes possible to study the effects of other forces more easily.

    This type of knowledge, which is being pursued most vigorously on the space station, is helping to develop new vaccines and crops, and even to understanding how the interior of the Earth behaves.

    Assuming negotiations do not take an awkward turn on the final day of the Naples meeting on Wednesday, the UK will enter Elips at a level broadly proportional to a quarter of GDP, which equates to 3.75m euros (?3m) per year.

    Britain last considered joining Elips in 2002. A review undertaken by Professor Bill Wakeham recommended membership, but the then government decided to put its priorities elsewhere. Three years ago, the UK Space Agency (UKSA) raised the issue again and convened several meetings to assess interest.

    Groups like the UK Space Biomedical Advisory Committee (SBAC) have been pushing hard to get an Esa subscription approved. Membership will make it much easier for British scientists to propose experiments and to get access to facilities like a zero-G plane, which generates short periods of weightlessness by flying a series of parabolas in the sky.

    Scientists would though still have to go through the usual channels of winning grants from the Research Councils to support their experiments. ?We can get them access to facilities; they have now got to justify their science in the usual way,? said David Williams, the chief executive of the UKSA.

    Kevin Fong, the chair of SBAC, commented: "This is brilliant news. Having spent so many years trying to further the UK's involvement in programmes of human space flight it is great to see things finally moving in the right direction.

    "Exploration is what we do; it's part of what makes us human. The next challenge of course will be that of taking the unique insight afforded by partnership with international space agencies and turning that into innovation and new - genuinely disruptive - technologies."


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    Ex-'Price is Right' model wins suit against show

    (AP) ? A Los Angeles jury says a former model on "The Price is Right" was discriminated against by producers because of her pregnancy.

    The Superior Court jury awarded $776,944 to Brandi Cochran on Tuesday after deliberations that began last week.

    City News Service reports that a second phase of the trial will determine whether Cochran should be awarded punitive damages.

    The 41-year-old Cochran is a former Miss USA. She claimed she was rejected by producers when she tried to rejoin "The Price is Right" in 2010 after taking maternity leave.

    FremantleMedia North America, one of the producers named in the suit, blamed the verdict on a "flawed process." It says that key evidence was excluded by the court.

    Associated Press


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    Krispy Kreme soars following 3Q results

    NEW YORK (AP) ? Krispy Kreme's stock jumped to its highest level in more than a year on Tuesday as the chain's third-quarter results topped analysts' estimates. It also provided a fiscal 2013 adjusted earnings forecast above Wall Street's view.

    Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. reported on Monday that its net income rose to $5 million, or 7 cents per share, for the three months ended Oct. 28. That compares with $4.7 million, or 7 cents per share, a year earlier.

    Excluding a provision for deferred income taxes, earnings were 12 cents per share.

    Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected earnings of 9 cents per share.

    Revenue increased 9 percent to $107.1 million from $98.7 million. Wall Street forecast $104.7 million.

    Revenue at company stores open at least a year rose 6.8 percent on increased traffic. Revenue at domestic franchised stores open at least a year climbed 5 percent. This figure excludes results from stores recently opened or closed.

    Mark Kalinowski of Janney Capital Markets said in a client note that the quarterly performance benefited from robust same-store sales growth. The analyst believes at least some of the same-store sales performance was helped by more effective marketing, favorable media attention and appealing limited-time seasonal products.

    Kalinowski maintained a "Neutral" rating.

    For fiscal 2013, the Winston-Salem, N.C., company anticipates adjusted earnings between 44 cents and 47 cents per share. It predicts adjusted earnings in a range of 49 cents to 55 cents per share for fiscal 2014.

    Analysts expect earnings of 43 cents per share for 2013 and earnings of 51 cents per share for 2014.

    Krispy Kreme shares rose $1.62, or 21.5 percent, to $9.16 in afternoon trading. The stock reached $9.24 earlier in the session, the highest point since August 2011.


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    Tuesday, November 20, 2012

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