Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hundreds Of Small Businesses Are Fighting ... - Business Insider

The issue of urban development is never easy. Incorporating old communities into new ones is always fraught with controversy, especially in New York City.

The area of Willets Point in Queens has long been a target for re-development.

In December of 2011, Mayor Bloomberg finally broke ground on a plan to create a shopping mall, convention center, hotel and affordable housing in the area. Though the plan has run into various legal obstacles since then, businesses in the area have begun receiving letters ordering them to vacate their property by February of 2013.

While the city says will the plan will create hundreds of new jobs and spur economic growth in the area, for many who work and own businesses there, the mayor's plan is simply a recipe for their demise.

Watch the video below to see why.


Produced by Robert Libetti

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