Friday, November 2, 2012

Nexus 4 Review: Not Exactly Perfect, But Close Enough For Me

nexus4-1It seems like ages since Google and HTC first kicked off the Nexus experiment (it was 2010, but who's counting?). Now here we are, over two years later, and we?re on our fourth Nexus smartphone. There?s no question that the hardware has gotten progressively better, but these past few months have also seen some notable changes in the Nexus brand itself. With devices like the Nexus 7 picking up plenty of mainstream traction (something that the Nexus smartphones were never really able to do), Google now seems to be retooling the rest of its line up to appeal to masses too. Will the Nexus 4 be able to pick up the same steam its older brother can? Or is it still meant mostly for the Android-adoring niche dwellers? Read on for more.


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