Saturday, June 30, 2012

NBC's Lauer Invites David Axelrod to Slam GOP Over Holder Contempt Vote

On Friday's NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer didn't just lob a softball to Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod about Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, he placed the ball on a tee and helped Axelrod swing the bat: "Paraphrasing here, Mr. Holder said the American people deserve better. What is the President's reaction to the actions in Congress?"

Axelrod happily spewed White House talking points on the Thursday vote that held Holder in contempt for failing to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal: "I think it was an embarrassment to the Congress....They're getting their questions answered, they wanted the confrontation, they wanted the political theater. They ought to be getting to work on the problems that are significant to the American people."

Prior to Lauer's interview with Axelrod, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell began a report on the development by highlighting a Democratic stunt that occurred during the contempt vote: "Without enough votes to defend the Attorney General, Democrats used their feet to send a message to Republicans. They marched out of the Capitol....And straight to the cameras." A clip was played of the liberal congressional members chanting "Shame on you!" on the steps of the Capitol.

O'Donnell did note that 17 Democrats voted for contempt and included Republican sound bites in the piece. However, she wrapped up the report by noting: "Holder lashed out at House Republicans, calling contempt a political stunt." A clip of Holder followed: "It is at base, both a crass effort and a grave disservice to the American people. They expect and they deserve far more."

In an 8 a.m. brief, news reader Natalie Morales made sure to include: "Holder has dismissed the vote as politically motivated."

Lauer actually grilled Axelrod about the Supreme Court upholding ObamaCare with this tough series of questions:

>The good news is the Supreme Court said that the mandates are constitutional. The bad news is they said they are a tax. Back in 2009, the President adamantly denied that health care reform was going to be a tax on the American people. Does he now agree that this legislation, this law, is a tax?

>But you know whatever you call it is important. In an election year and coming out of a recession, if it's called a tax, it's gonna hurt.

>Here's the latest numbers from the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 41% of Americans feel that this is a bad idea, as compared to 35% who support it. A Pew poll put that negative number at 48%. So does the President win a victory in the Supreme Court and then take a beating for it in the voting booth in November?

If only NBC offered a Republican guest a chance to respond to the ruling.

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Here is a full transcript of Lauer's June 29 interview with Axelrod:


LAUER: David Axelrod is a senior adviser to President Obama's re-election campaign. David, good to have you here.

DAVID AXELROD: Good to be here, Matt. Thank you.

LAUER: Nice to you. Let's talk about this. Anybody who thought that the Supreme Court's decision on health care was going to end the debate was delusional. The Republicans have now scheduled a vote on July 11th in the House to repeal the law. Is this a fight that the White House is going to engage in?

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Supreme Victory?; Obama Campaign on Impact of Health Care Ruling]

AXELROD: Well, I think that the Court spoke, we're going to move forward on implementation. As [correspondent] Kelly [O'Donnell] suggested, I don't think there's an expectation that the law is going to be overturned in Congress. The Republicans think they can make a political issue of this. But they're going to have to explain why they want to roll back a law that's already producing so much good for the American people. You know, kids who are 26 and under, who are on their parents insurance. Senior citizens who are getting help with their prescription drugs. Folks who don't have lifetime caps on their insurance anymore.

LAUER: Isn't there good-

AXELROD: There's so much that's already working, why do they want to roll it back?

LAUER: The good news is the Supreme Court said that the mandates are constitutional. The bad news is they said they are a tax. Back in 2009, the President adamantly denied that health care reform was going to be a tax on the American people. Does he now agree that this legislation, this law, is a tax?

AXELROD: Whatever you call it, Matt, whether you call it a mandate or a tax, what it is, is a penalty on the very few Americans who don't ? who can afford health care, don't pay for it, end up in our emergency rooms getting free care and then we all pay for it in the form of higher premiums. That's not fair-

LAUER: But you know whatever you call it is important. In an election year and coming out of a recession, if it's called a tax, it's gonna hurt.

AXELROD: Yeah, but what I would suggest to you is that you direct that question to Governor Romney, who was the chief proponent of this very policy when he was Governor of Massachusetts, because he said it was fair to make sure that there weren't free-riders who were driving up everybody's insurance rates. That was right then. You should ask him why he doesn't think it's right now.

LAUER: The pres ? the const ? the Supreme Court has said it's constitutional. Here's the latest numbers from the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 41% of Americans feel that this is a bad idea, as compared to 35% who support it. A Pew poll put that negative number at 48%. So does the President win a victory in the Supreme Court and then take a beating for it in the voting booth in November?

AXELROD: Well, first of all, you're asking the wrong question. Because I don't think, at the end of the day, the question is, did the President win? Did Romney win? The question is, did the American people win? Is the middle class stronger? Are Americans stronger? Are they more secure because of their law ? this law? And the answer to that is yes. I'm the parent of a child who has a chronic illness, I think you know that. And from the time she was quite young, I was one of those Americans, 30 years ago, who almost went bankrupt because the insurance company wouldn't cover what she needed to stay alive. That's not the country that we believe in, Matt.

LAUER: Let me ask you to comment, just briefly, at the end here, David, on what Congress did yesterday, voting to hold Eric Holder in criminal and civil contempt of Congress. Paraphrasing here, Mr. Holder said the American people deserve better. What is the President's reaction to the actions in Congress?

AXELROD: Well, Kelly O'Donnell said this was an embarrassment to the administration, I think it was an embarrassment to the Congress. We've got serious problems in this country and Mr. Holder's turned over 7,000 documents, 11 times there's been testimony from th administration. They're getting their questions answered, they wanted the confrontation, they wanted the political theater. They ought to be getting to work on the problems that are significant to the American people.

LAUER: David Axelrod. David, it's good to see you. Thanks very much for your time.

AXELROD: Good to be ? good to be with you. Thank you.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

Around The League: Wideman Signs|Kruger New Oil Coach| Hitchcock Extension

Toronto Maple Leafs Prospects:? ? Nazem Kadri, C? ?? Joe Colborne, C? ?? Jesse Blacker, D? ?? Matt Frattin, RW? ?? Carter Ashton, RW? ?? Greg McKegg, C? ?? Tyler Biggs, LW? ?? Stuart Percy, D? ?? Brad Ross, LW? ?? Korbinian Holzer, D? ?&raquo


05-28-2012, 09:44 PM

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Around The League: Wideman Signs|Hitchcock Extension|Crosby Extension (100mil)

Carry on.

Feel free to PM me with any questions or concerns.

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05-28-2012, 10:20 PM

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why do the finals take so long to start?

The NHL drags this thing on for way too long

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05-28-2012, 10:23 PM

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why do the finals take so long to start?

The NHL drags this thing on for way too long

Should have started today.
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05-28-2012, 10:42 PM

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Bergevin, Dudley, Mellanby, Hartley.

**** off Montreal.

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05-29-2012, 07:12 AM

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Dudley is the only one i care about. the rest define meh

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05-29-2012, 07:20 AM

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Bergevin, Dudley, Mellanby, Hartley.

**** off Montreal.

Montreal has some nice pieces moving forward.

I was really impressed with Tinordi and Nathan Beaulieu has some really good offensive upside.

Price, Subban, Max Pac, Tinordi, Beaulieu and #3 overall pick is a nice young core to build around.

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05-29-2012, 09:16 AM

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Bergevin, Dudley, Mellanby, Hartley.

**** off Montreal.

Nothing out of that makes me nervous or jealous.

Pretty average and inexperienced other than Dudley.

There's a reason why Hartley was out of service for that long, and isn't because he was refusing offers. The guy had to go to Europe to coach.

The grass isn't greener this time around.

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05-29-2012, 09:42 AM

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Only thing I remember of bob hartley is how he loved his enforcers. When thrashers started losing he would totally goon it up, not much to be envious of in terms of coaching material

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05-29-2012, 10:53 AM

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why do the finals take so long to start?

The NHL drags this thing on for way too long


Should have started today.

Yeah, I'll never understand the big gap between conference finals and the finals, they leave it long enough (sometimes a week+) that fans lose any interest they had (aside from fans of the 2 teams obv.).
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05-29-2012, 11:58 AM

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Habs are doing a good job with their front office.

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05-29-2012, 02:02 PM

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Nothing out of that makes me nervous or jealous.

Pretty average and inexperienced other than Dudley.

There's a reason why Hartley was out of service for that long, and isn't because he was refusing offers. The guy had to go to Europe to coach.

The grass isn't greener this time around.

Disagree. That's a pretty good management team coming together. Obviously not on par with Toronto in terms of impressiveness, but a good team nonetheless. You don't need to be a Habs fan to see that.
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05-29-2012, 02:06 PM

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I am still jealous of Tinordi, after watching the Memorial cup, I want him and don't want to face him.

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05-29-2012, 09:48 PM

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the devils and the pick?

So when kovie signed his massive contract NJD got fined 3 million and had to give up one first round pick in 2011-2014 depending on there choice. When do they get to choice. If they win the cup can they choose now?

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05-29-2012, 09:49 PM

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If they lose the Cup they can choose this year!

It's almost a guarantee they will forfeit it this year. It'll be 29th or 30th, so it makes sense (unless their current plan is to develop picks this year with the impending loss of Parise and Brodeur).

Most likely we will move up to 34th in the draft.

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05-29-2012, 09:56 PM

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Merged in to Around the League.

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05-29-2012, 11:47 PM

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Nothing out of that makes me nervous or jealous.

Pretty average and inexperienced other than Dudley.

There's a reason why Hartley was out of service for that long, and isn't because he was refusing offers. The guy had to go to Europe to coach.

The grass isn't greener this time around.

He was also a coach on a reality TV show in Quebec where beer ligue hockey player from Quebec city faced beer ligue player from Montreal.

here he is in an argument with the other coach Patrice Brisebois

Doing that show made Hartley lost alot of credibility...

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05-30-2012, 06:52 AM

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Disagree. That's a pretty good management team coming together. Obviously not on par with Toronto in terms of impressiveness, but a good team nonetheless. You don't need to be a Habs fan to see that.

Uh, I guess?

The names are familiar, that's about it.

Until they show otherwise, pretty average front office to me.

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05-30-2012, 07:54 AM

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While many assumed Hartley would be named the new bench boss of the Montreal Canadiens in the coming days, RDS hockey analyst Vincent Damphousse said Hartley had a second interview with Flames management.

Hartley has worked with Flames GM Jay Feaster before, a connection that dates back to their days with the American Hockey League?s Hershey Bears, where they won the Calder Cup championship together in 1997.

Feaster likes his connections.
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05-30-2012, 07:59 AM

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things just got a whole lot interesting.

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05-30-2012, 02:34 PM

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yea i would think he is if he is having a press conference, can't be for a winter classic re-signing.

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05-30-2012, 02:53 PM

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Nathan Bealieu signed to ELC by the Montreal Canadiens.

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05-30-2012, 03:11 PM

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Nathan Bealieu signed to ELC by the Montreal Canadiens.

that guy is good but my eyes are on tinordi more than anything.
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05-30-2012, 03:16 PM

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that guy is good but my eyes are on tinordi more than anything.

I still think Bealieu will be better but the Habs have done well for themselves with Tinordi and Bealieu. Schultz, should he choose to sign here, should help even the playing field a bit.
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05-30-2012, 03:20 PM

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Oh without a doubt but if all goes well ideally, Tinordi can beat him IMO.
Gauthier and Gainey has helped their prospect pool quite a bit in the defensive and net place. Their forwards need help though, but the habs are doing a good job in the front ofice.
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